Just when you thought you wouldn’t get an episode in 2024, here it is! Another Voltz Supreme’s Synth VGM Dream Stream Machine Super Space Ace Radio Rodeo Broadcast!

I actually started working on this episode all the way back in 2021… After a little while it become a real chore to complete and I completely lost all inspiration, so it’s just been sitting half finished for many years. The original idea was to treat the episode a bit like a “Reigns” game where you have to constantly choose from 2 options. I sent out the request to listeners and had them provide me with two options for various scenarios. They’d come up with the outcomes but I choose without knowing them. It was a fun concept and thanks to fellow VGM podcaster Bedroth, I received some material to work with which is in the earlier parts of the podcast (holiday destinations and flower choice), though he’s probably completely forgotten about this whole thing.

It’s a bit of fun and it’s been a long time since I’ve done a space ace episode, so I thought I’d finally finish it and release it.

The music is all from Sam Webster’s amazing Reigns Beyond soundtrack which you can get here: https://samwebster.bandcamp.com/album/reigns-beyond-original-game-soundtrack which is now over 4 years old but still deserves more listens than it’s had. Reigns Beyond was originally only on the Apple store but has since been released elsewhere.

Happy new year, folks!
Stay Synthetic!


60 - Dave The Diver (D’Anthoni Wooten + others)